Verdi's Requiem
Sat 23rd May - La Madeleine, Paris
Derby Bach Choir are delighted to be reuniting with the Nottingham Symphony Orchestra to perform Verdi's thrilling Requiem in the beautiful surroundings of La Madeleine in Paris.
This is a massive undertaking the choir are delighted to be involved with. The performance will involve 170 performers from 13 choirs , soloists from France, Germany and the UK, including Mr Richard Roddis!
It promises to be a stunning occasion if you can make it. Best of all, the concert is free to attend and there will be a collection at the interval.
Singers Workshop for the Verdi Requiem:
There will be a singers workshop running on Sunday May 17th - 10.30 - 5.00 at St Benedicts, North Block, Lafayette Suite in the Robert Ludlum Theatre (DE22 1JD). There will be a small charge of £5 to cover costs - please bring your own lunch but tea & coffee will be provided.
You will need a score - Ricordi edition - DBC members please contact Jenny if you would like a score put on one side. There will be a Paris info table for those who are interested.