2015 - 2016 season
Some dates for your diary!
As our 2014-2015 season is drawing to a close, we are looking forward to next year's events. Get them in your calendar early to be sure not to miss them! We'll be revealing more of our program throughout the summer...
November 7th 2015 - Dream of Gerontius
​Derby Cathedral DE1 3GP
Conductor: Richard Roddis
Soloists: Andrew Kennedy - Gerontius, Christopher Maltman - Priest, Leigh Woolf - Angel
Derby Bach Orchestra: led by Derek Williams
Tickets £20 reserved, £16 unreserved, £8 students
December 12th 2015 - Christmas is Coming!
St. John the Evangelist Church, Bridge Street DE1 3HZ
Conductor: James Foulds
Organ: Richard Hodges
Derby Salvation Army Brass Ensemble: led by Alan Losh
Tickets: £12, £5 students, under 16's free
March 12th 2016 - Mozart Vesperae solennes de confessore, Haydn Nelson Mass
Derby Cathedral DE1 3GP
Conductor: Richard Roddis
Soloists: Soprano - Lisa Cassidy, Alto - Joyce Tindsley, Tenor - Chris Larley
Derby Bach Orchestra: led by Cris Bacanu
Tickets: £20 reserved, £16 unreserved, £8 students
May 14th 2016 - Come and Sing Faure Requiem, Cantique de Jean Racine
St George's Church Ticknall DE73 7JU
Conductor: James Foulds
July 2nd 2016 - Handel, Israel in Egypt
St. John the Evangelist Church, Bridge Street DE1 3HZ
Conductor: Richard Roddis
Organ: Tom Corfield
Tickets: £12