Bach's St Matthew Passion
Sat 28th March - 7pm - Derby Cathedral
Derby Bach Choir were delighted to perform the St Matthew Passion this year in Derby Cathedral (DE1 3GP). The contemplative choral work, widely regarded as a classical masterpiece, confronts suffering and torture as well as salvation and redemption.
We were joined by the internationally renowned tenor James Oxley who sang the part of the Evangelist and Peter Savidge sang Christus. Our other soloists were Soprano - Maria Veretenina, Counter Tenor - Tim Morgan, Tenor - Benedict Hymas and Bass - Robert Rice.
The Baroque Ensemble led by Nicolette Moonen was once again our orchestra, creating authentic accompaniment on period Baroque instruments. Peter Dyke - organ continuo - added sensitivity and skill to this exceptional event. It was a rare treat to have this high quality of performance in Derby!
Read the Derby Telegraph review of the performance here.